Pedaling towards positive mental health one person at a time.
A 501c3 non profit registered in Washington State.
To provide support to families that have youth struggling with mental health by introducing cycling and a specific emphasis on BMX racing as a healthy outlet.
Bringing the attention of cycling to our community’s youth by providing Private and School Counselors an alternate outlet for children who battle with all forms of mental health which promotes health and fitness in a fun way. Getting children outdoors and on bicycles.
Private and School Counselors will provide families with our information. During first contact, one of our staff members will learn through Q&A, the experience level of cycling. Differing with each child, an instruction on bicycle safety, how to ride a bicycle, as well as an introduction to the sport of BMX racing.
Each child, no matter age, race, gender will be provided with the proper equipment and gear needed to participate. Any child who chooses to enter into BMX racing will be provided with membership fees and race entry fees if financial assistance is needed.
Make a donation.
As a fully volunteer run nonprofit. With your help, we will be able to provide bicycles, helmets, and other safety gear to children struggling with all forms of mental health. Along with equipment, your contributions will also go towards any start up costs if the child chooses to compete in racing. (annual membership to USABMX, clinics, and race fees*).
Cycling is a unique but
effective form of therapy.
We want to hear from you!
How has cycling improved your mental health?
Is there a quote or story you would like to share with us about how cycling has helped yours or a loved ones mental health?
I am writhing this on behalf of my son Mason and I both. Mason is only 8 so getting him to explain what BMX has done for him may be a little difficult or very short. Just writing this myself will be hard to get so much information in a short story. BMX helped save Mason mental health and continues to allow him to grow every day! When Mason rides, he feels free! All of his worries and concerns go away. And I feel the same way watching him. He was 6.5 when he started BMX, April 2021. When we first start, our life was a scattered mess. Long story short, his dad passed away when he was 4 (doesn’t have any memory of him since he had not seen him since he was 2), and my ex fiancé who helped raise him since he was 9 months old (to 7 years old) was an alcoholic and never around to support. We didn’t have many friends or a social life. Since starting BMX we have gained soooo many family members. I started talking with one of my best friends from grade school who had a daughter and son who rode. These 3 are now like siblings! We travel all year around together and have taken on life’s problems. Mason has also gained so many dads also. He doesn’t feel as alone as he did. Our group as helped fill masons empty pieces in life, since it’s just him and I on a daily basis. He feels excepted and wanted with all the kids and parents around. He feels loved. Through talking with other BMX moms about masons anger issues, we were able to discover he has very serve ADHD. In the last 20 months after being diagnosed and treated, he has turned into a completely different kid. He is able to meet and talk to many other kids, learned to have fun with every race, and is able to control most of his emotions! In a short explanation, BMX has brought us family, life, and mental health freedom.
Jessica W.
10 years ago I had a head injury that left me with crippling depression. Getting back on my bike is what got me through the hardest parts of that battle. Cycle Therapy has a mission that could give others that same hope that bikes gave me.
Cycling has offered tremendous support for not only my mental health since a small child, yet also teach it to my child/adolescent clients to help them ground and discover what wakes up their soul.